Seven Ways to Cut Costs on Injection Molded Parts

Transforming Injection Molding Vendors into Injection Molding Partners

Increasingly, design engineers and their employers are looking for vendors that they can partner with over the long term for help with issues like part design/optimization, tooling modifications or simplification, resin selection, cost containment, just-in-time delivery, and special finishes to name but a few.

5 Key Considerations When Transferring Molds to a New Custom Injection Molder

There could be a variety of reasons your custom injection molder isn’t working out. If you’ve realized that it’s time to place the production or assembly of your key parts with another company, you’ll want the transition to go as smoothly as possible. Several points should be taken into consideration when deciding to move injection molds from one supplier to another.

Ferriot Injection Molding Checklist

Watch the Injection Molded Checklist video for the 10 questions every designer should ask before beginning an injection molding project.


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